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wireless services

Allow your visitors to freely

Your business is expected to provide a guest internet connection and your guests expect a stable wireless connection they can use for free.

How do you deal with this expectation? How many guests can use the internet at the same time undisturbed? Is outdoor reach ok, so it can also be used on the terrace?


Allow your visitors to freely mail, chat and surf

Your business is expected to provide a guest internet connection and your guests expect a stable wireless connection they can use for free.

How do you deal with this expectation? How many guests can use the internet at the same time undisturbed? Is outdoor reach ok, so it can also be used on the terrace?


Fully managed Wi-Fi networks

microFI allows the management of (several) separated wireless networks so that your systems don’t drain bandwidth from each other. Your POS system should not suffer from your guests’ Internet use. It is therefore wise to separate these networks from each other (and to speed limit your guests’ free Wi-Fi use.)

Secure Wi-Fi network

We protect your Wi-Fi networks against unauthorized access from outside.

Signal Scheduling

With ‘signal scheduling’ you can set the times your Wi-Fi network is available for your guests. During closing times, you can ensure that any passers-by cannot use your Wi-Fi network (outside of your business hours).

Guest Control

‘Guest Control’ allows you to manage your guest Wi-Fi network. Different users can be grouped, for example. When your guests want to use your Wi-Fi network, they must first agree to your terms. Your guests go via a landing page before they can go online. This is branded with your logo and can be in your house style. Users can read your terms and conditions and click “agree”. Only then can your guests use your Wi-Fi network. On the landing page, you can also place promotional material. Do you have an event? You can promote it on the landing page.

Benefits of microFI

A stable Wi-Fi signal and optimal coverage

Through ‘auto channel’ your Wi-Fi signal is always stable. Avoid the irritation of signal loss. We plan your Wi-Fi network for your business so your signal strength and coverage are optimal for your premises.


Your Wi-Fi signals are separated, isolated from each other and from the rest of your network.

Wi-Fi login portal for guests

Acceptance of your terms

Guests must first accept your terms and conditions before they can make use of your Wi-Fi.


Promote your events/services on your landing page.

Manage your bandwidth

Make sure that your corporate network and systems do not suffer from your guests’ Internet use.

microPAGE - Our complementary service

Reach your Wi-Fi users immediately after they login!

Your guests log in via the Wi-Fi portal to use your wireless Internet. With our add-on service microPAGE your Wi-Fi guests will directly visit your own mini-website. Here you can inform them about events, daily specials or anything else you may wish to communicate.

Contact us now? Click here!

Hardware you can trust

microDOT work with industrial quality hardware. Using Ubiquiti Wi-Fi access points we create a powerful and stable wireless network, where each network device get its own piece of bandwidth. microDOT ensures problem-free digital operation.

Take a look at our hardware page for an overview and technical specifications.

'Hundreds of guests online, but what about the tills?'

The Blauwe Theehuis in the Amsterdam Vondelpark is an Amsterdam landmark. A traditionally busy public place with a beautiful large terrace. The Blauwe Theehuis is popular with hikers in the Vondelpark and with flex-workers who eat breakfast with their laptop, but also as an events location, for example during the Amsterdam Dance Event. Obviously, this means that there are challenges to providing Internet for guests as well as the running of the tills, mobile pin terminals and music computers. microFI and microNET are the products that provide the solution.

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